

We have smaller classes, which allows individual attention.

Some of the classes are multi-level.


Monday – Friday

School start: 8.10 a.m.

Closing time is different depending on the class.

No classes during the Ferien des Kanton BL

Other days off can be found in the annual schedule.


In small classes, children practice and learn what is important for life. This includes cultural techniques such as reading, arithmetic and writing, but also appreciative interaction with one another and a mindful attitude toward the environment. As a Christian school, it is important to us to introduce the children to the God of the Bible and to teach them Christian values.

By the end of sixth grade, children are well prepared for the transition to secondary school.


Every one to two months, the class plans an experience outside of the school building. This can be hiking, visiting exhibits, building a raft, exploring the forest, building a Lego city, inventing a robotics course, or other special outside projects.

Once or twice a year we organise a project week. During this week, the students are free to choose the workshops and gain new experiences and insights outside of their usual class group.


The ski camp is a offer for our students from the 6th grade. But also for those who do not like it so “cool”, there is a varied offer in the context of a project week in the school building.

Class camp during the spring and summer months builds community and provides learning spaces outside of the school day.

“We are happy to know that our children are in good hands at UNICA School. The only thing I regret is that we didn’t send our children to this school sooner.”


from a former student


Experience has shown that the transition to the secondary level is unproblematic. Some of the teachers also teach at the primary level and are therefore already familiar to the children. Through joint activities and sponsorships, most of the children form friendships beyond the level boundaries without fear of contact.

The grouping of the sixth graders into the three levels is done without pressure and stress towards the end of the second semester.

Transfer to a state school is possible without any problem.


The prices can be seen under “Tarife”. Or simply contact our office for funding options.

There are reduced school fees for siblings

Insight into the primary school

Sports day

Across classes

Trips and excursions

Monthly trips and excursions

Everyday school life

Art lessons in the 5th/6th grade

Sports and swimming lessons

Inter-class and close by

Traffic instruction

on the road with the police

Start with God

Once a week in the assembly hall


Thank you for your interest in our school!

We would like to invite you and your child to a non-committal introductory meeting with the school management. By appointment, your child can attend our classes for 3 to 5 trial days.

Any unanswered questions? Then do not hesitate to contact our secretary at: 061 922 21 20 or info@unica-schule.ch.

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