A look back

What has happened at UNICA so far in the school year 2022/2023…

Primary graduation ceremony

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Time to say…
see you soon in secondary school!
Fortunately, it is not “time to say goodbye”, because these pupils change rooms in the school building and can be found again as secondary school pupils in the corridors and at break times.
We sang together, watched a photo review and heard an exciting story about the gratitude jar.
Children’s photos gave us clues as to which pupil was now being said goodbye to.
Mrs Roth was also bidden farewell, as well as those pupils who were leaving the school because they had moved.

Final trip to Lausanne

Monday, 19 June – Friday, 23 June 2023

Finally, the 9th grade went on a trip to the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

The trip took us first to Lausanne, where we visited the aquarium and attended the Fête de la Musique. We also went bowling and enjoyed the beautiful sandy beach. We spent the night at the campsite.

Afterwards we went on to Geneva, where we visited the impressive cathedral, took a boat trip and shopped extensively.

In Payerne, we explored the town, did a fountain puzzle and had a lot of fun driving go-karts and in the rope park.

Culinary wise we were spoiled with BBQ, fajitas, curry rice and baguette for breakfast. On the last day we enjoyed croissants and pain au chocolat.

The graduation trip was an unforgettable experience and a great way to end our school years.

Sports Day 2023

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

This year the students were divided into three groups and three separate events took place.


The high school students first competed in a volleyball tournament indoors. After the 10am recess, they completed sprint, 5x 500m relay and 1200m run on the Gitterliareal. As a reward and to relax, we went to the Gitterli pool afterwards.


The 5th/6th class, together with Mrs Mazacek and a few helpers, went orienteering in the direction of Lausen. The electronic orienteering posts were special. At the finish line, the results could be compared: Who took how long from one post to the next? Then there was a chance to cool off in the Gitterli pool.


The kindergarten children and the 1st – 4th grade hiked together to the forest on the Sichtern. A helpful father prepared the fire and was waiting for us. In mixed age groups, the children could solve tasks at 6 posts: Hit the target, hide and seek, make a fire, run a course, find trees and do a forest object memory.
As a finale, there was a robber-cop terrain game and then everyone enjoyed lunch from the fire.
It was impressive to see how well the children worked together and supported each other and how everyone played a part in the victory.

June Field Trip

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

While the older pupils were on graduation trips, the primary children went on trips in the region.

So the 3rd/4th grade were drawn to the new home of “their” chicks. They just saved themselves from the storm to the Waldenburgerli. At the farm they had a happy reunion and now they know that the chicks are doing well.

The kindergarten and the 1st/2nd grade travelled to Lampenberg and hiked via Ramlinsburg to the forest nature trail. And really: they saw exciting animals and plants! They were even allowed to examine a slow worm more closely. They even had an ice cream and enjoyed their time in the forest.

Do you also like to receive letters? Letters with personal content?

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Every kindergarten child has his or her own letterbox by his or her chair. Friends, parents, godmothers and godfathers, aunts and uncles send daily letters, cards or parcels to the kindergarten. The children are very happy when they receive a parcel. The post is opened in the chair-circle and read aloud. Of course, the letters are also answered – the kindergarten children each write a reply letter.

A post office counter was opened in the kindergarten. You can hand in letters there. These are stamped and you can choose whether the mail should travel slowly like a tortoise or quickly like a rabbit.

This week there was a great surprise: A very large package was delivered. Just wonder what was in it? Among other things, one family sent the kindergarten handicraft supplies and a beautiful sun balloon.

If you would like to send something to the kindergarten or a kindergarten child: Simply address it with “Kindergarten” or the child’s name, UNICA School, Sigmundstrasse 1, 4410 Liestal. Thank you very much!

School Festival – Open Classroom Day

Friday, 26 May 2023

Grateful and happy we look back on the school festival. It was a very nice festival with great weather and many guests. Sometimes it felt like a mixture of family party, class reunion and birthday. There were two bouncy castles, balloons, barbecues and much more. You sat together with your family at a decorated banquet bench, ate a veggie burger and watched the choir performance. You met your former school friends, shared exciting news and solved an Escape Room. Interested parents came by, got a taste of UNICA and met the staff.
The students proudly displayed their offerings and the graduating class earned their final trip with coffee, cake, frozen yoghurt and pancakes.
Most of the visitors would have liked to stay longer, but unfortunately everything had to be dismantled at 8 pm and the bouncy castles were deflated. This went super fast thanks to the energetic help of parents and friends.
We would like to thank Mineralquellen Eptingen AG for sponsoring sunshades, refrigerators and drinks.
A big thank you to everyone who helped out, baked something or took a shift at a stall and to everyone who came by!

Mother’s Day

Sunday, 14 May 2023

In the kindergarten, they have been busy making Mother’s Day gifts.

They painted collected cans, filled them with soil and sowed cress seeds. The children were excited to see how the cresses grew.
The children made a flower out of muffin cups and stuck it into the “cress garden”. In addition, there was a lovingly designed book for the mummy.

We wish all mums a happy Mother’s Day.

A special trip to Paris

Friday 5 May – Monday 8 May 2023

The French Plus students spend exciting days in the capital of France.
This was made possible by the French teacher. She organised and planned the trip. On site, they meet a former pupil of UNICA who is now studying in Paris and visit the attractions.

The “Camouflage” Hand

April 2023

These works of art are well worth seeing. 🙂
These works were produced in two steps. First, design the patterns and put them on the sheet with watercolour. In the process, the pupils did not yet know what they would need it for.
A week later, the second step was to put my hand on it and paint it deceptively real. It turned out great!

Solar ship

April 2023

The NMG topic “Electricity” is finished and as a grand finale the pupils were allowed to build a solar ship.
Primeo offers workshops for schools.
The pupils were allowed to assemble their personal and individual ships, choose the colours, add details and of course the technical facts were explained to them.

Traffic instruction in the kindergarten

April 2023

The children have been looking forward to this day with the officer for a long time! Finally, the officer arrived. He was accompanied by the little zebra. The zebra showed the children how to cross the road properly. First, they were shown how to walk safely on the pavement and how to cross the road with “wait, look, listen, walk and look again” and practised with them.
Afterwards, what was learned was practised outside on the zebra crossing.


Thursday, 20 April 2023

Have you already received the April Newsletter? If not, then you can either

– Subscribe to the newsletter


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In the newsletter we tell you about our daily school life, give insights into projects, share the current prayer requests or point out the next events.

Number conception in the kindergarten

April 2023

Counting, sorting, putting together, trying out and finding shapes.

In between, the children are allowed to do a few posts about it. It is amazing what certain children already know and can do!

Easter celebration

Thursday, 30 March 2023

This year we organised a celebration with the kindergarten, primary and secondary classes in the Aula. The pupils of the 5th-9th grade prepared questions. For example, the following questions came up: “What does the rooster have to do with Good Friday and Easter?” or “What speaks for the resurrection of Jesus?” The questions were then answered interactively. The younger children had great fun when they answered a question correctly. The event was framed by songs and an input on the theme “Jesus, the Lamb of God”.

Of course, a snack is also part of the day. One mother baked many delicious braids/Zopf for the whole school. Together with a chocolate bar, syrup and apples, this made a delicious snack.

The 1st-4th graders played a game of hide-and-seek in the school building in the afternoon and then everyone said goodbye to the Easter holidays.

We wish you a good and traffic jam-free Easter break!

Creativity in kindergarten

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

If you have your children in kindergarten, you have received a lot of handicrafts shortly before the Easter holidays to decorate your home.
Simply incredible what the children create.
Such beautiful and lovingly crafted unique pieces!

Field trip day in March

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Being on the road, developing class bonding, discovering new things and having fun. The classes experience all this and much more on the field trip days. The classes plan their trips together. Often the school excursions are related to the NMG topic, as is the case with the Flex class, for example. They are currently studying the topic “Stone Age” and therefore visited the BL Museum. There they tried to make fire with the materials provided.
The 8th grade hiked to Füllinsdorf and had a blast at the Swiss Mega Park. And the best thing about it was that they had the whole hall to themselves!
Class 7 stayed overnight at the school, cooked together and had breakfast in the morning.
The 8th/9th grade visited the memorial in Riehen. “The memorial is dedicated to those Jewish refugees who were lucky enough to find admission in Switzerland. However, it is also a special reminder of all Jewish refugees who were refused entry by Switzerland.” (Quote from http://www.gedenkstaetteriehen.ch/)
The 3rd/4th class just made it to the forest and back before the rain. There they collected branches to make wreaths.

Mice – Parade

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

The children in classes 1 and 2 drew mice according to instructions. Each drawing has become unique. The short film shows these individual pictures.
– Sound on –

A big thank you to our sponsors

Saturday, 18 March 2023

We thanked our generous sponsors with a brunch. The UNICA school is largely financed by donations. That is why we are very grateful for these valuable people who support our work! UNICA School promotes innovative methods and approaches in education to provide the best learning environment for students. With your donation you help to continue these efforts.
The pupils of the 3rd/4th class created the decorations for it together with Mrs Herrmann. The morning was rounded off with a review of the year and examples from everyday school life (anonymously, of course).

A very big THANK YOU to all who support us! Be it financially, in prayer, materially or with your help!

Experienced with God

Friday, 03 March 2023

Again and again people visit us and tell us what they experience with God.
In the last few weeks, for example, 9 men and women from South Korea came to us and told us what the Christian school and South Korea are like. The children were allowed to ask questions and they even sang a blessing song for us.
Romy Tschopp’s visit was also very exciting. On her website it says: “The first Swiss parasnowboarder with an “open back” (spina bifida) has ventured into a professional career and encourages people to realise their dreams, address social taboos and set goals for themselves.” She impressed the children very much with her cheerful and motivating personality.

Winter Project Day

Thursday, 16 February 2023

The pupils could choose from “winter” project options and be active. There was a ski day on the Melchsee-Frutt, ice skating in Basel or curling. The temperatures were so mild that there was a hike on the bee trail or you could cook on the fire in the forest. In addition, there was a sports programme in the hall.


Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Crochet, weave, sew, decorate…. and then the proud 1st and 2nd grade children hold their unique turtles in their hands. The secondary students have sewn their own hoodies. Looks great! and then the proud 1st and 2nd grade children hold their unique turtles in their hands.
The secondary students have sewn their own hoodies. Looks great!


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Do you already know our school magazine?

In the current issue, teachers are introduced, there is an article on the excursion to Colmar or what the Flex class experienced at the “Wald-Mobil”.

Here (click on the “Eckpunkt”) you can scroll through the digital version or write a message if you would also like to receive the Eckpunkt next time.

What has happened so far at UNICA School in the school year 2022/2023 can be read here

Easter celebration

Thursday, 30 March 2023

This year we organised a celebration with the kindergarten, primary and secondary classes in the Aula. The pupils of the 5th-9th grade prepared questions. For example, the following questions came up: “What does the rooster have to do with Good Friday and Easter?” or “What speaks for the resurrection of Jesus?” The questions were then answered interactively. The younger children had great fun when they answered a question correctly. The event was framed by songs and an input on the theme “Jesus, the Lamb of God”.

Of course, a snack is also part of the day. One mother baked many delicious braids/Zopf for the whole school. Together with a chocolate bar, syrup and apples, this made a delicious snack.

The 1st-4th graders played a game of hide-and-seek in the school building in the afternoon and then everyone said goodbye to the Easter holidays.

We wish you a good and traffic jam-free Easter break!

Field trip day in March

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Being on the road, developing class bonding, discovering new things and having fun. The classes experience all this and much more on the field trip days. The classes plan their trips together. Often the school excursions are related to the NMG topic, as is the case with the Flex class, for example. They are currently studying the topic “Stone Age” and therefore visited the BL Museum. There they tried to make fire with the materials provided.
The 8th grade hiked to Füllinsdorf and had a blast at the Swiss Mega Park. And the best thing about it was that they had the whole hall to themselves!
Class 7 stayed overnight at the school, cooked together and had breakfast in the morning.
The 8th/9th grade visited the memorial in Riehen. “The memorial is dedicated to those Jewish refugees who were lucky enough to find admission in Switzerland. However, it is also a special reminder of all Jewish refugees who were refused entry by Switzerland.” (Quote from http://www.gedenkstaetteriehen.ch/)
The 3rd/4th class just made it to the forest and back before the rain. There they collected branches to make wreaths.

Mice – Parade

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

The children in classes 1 and 2 drew mice according to instructions. Each drawing has become unique. The short film shows these individual pictures.
– Sound on –

A big thank you to our sponsors

Saturday, 18 March 2023

We thanked our generous sponsors with a brunch. The UNICA school is largely financed by donations. That is why we are very grateful for these valuable people who support our work! UNICA School promotes innovative methods and approaches in education to provide the best learning environment for students. With your donation you help to continue these efforts.
The pupils of the 3rd/4th class created the decorations for it together with Mrs Herrmann. The morning was rounded off with a review of the year and examples from everyday school life (anonymously, of course).

A very big THANK YOU to all who support us! Be it financially, in prayer, materially or with your help!

Experienced with God

Friday, 03 March 2023

Again and again people visit us and tell us what they experience with God.
In the last few weeks, for example, 9 men and women from South Korea came to us and told us what the Christian school and South Korea are like. The children were allowed to ask questions and they even sang a blessing song for us.
Romy Tschopp’s visit was also very exciting. On her website it says: “The first Swiss parasnowboarder with an “open back” (spina bifida) has ventured into a professional career and encourages people to realise their dreams, address social taboos and set goals for themselves.” She impressed the children very much with her cheerful and motivating personality.

Winter Project Day

Thursday, 16 February 2023

The pupils could choose from “winter” project options and be active. There was a ski day on the Melchsee-Frutt, ice skating in Basel or curling. The temperatures were so mild that there was a hike on the bee trail or you could cook on the fire in the forest. In addition, there was a sports programme in the hall.


Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Crochet, weave, sew, decorate…. and then the proud 1st and 2nd grade children hold their unique turtles in their hands. The secondary students have sewn their own hoodies. Looks great! and then the proud 1st and 2nd grade children hold their unique turtles in their hands.
The secondary students have sewn their own hoodies. Looks great!


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Do you already know our school magazine?

In the current issue, teachers are introduced, there is an article on the excursion to Colmar or what the Flex class experienced at the “Wald-Mobil”.

Here (click on the “Eckpunkt”) you can scroll through the digital version or write a message if you would also like to receive the Eckpunkt next time.

Topic Polar bears in the kindergarten

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

At the moment, the kindergarten children are exploring the polar bear in many different ways. They glue, stamp, paint with ice, bake cute bears, draw, tear and punch… besides that, they learn verses and songs. They also learn about specialist knowledge in a way that is appropriate for children.

The pictures give an insight into everyday life in the kindergarten.

Christmas 2022

Saturday, 24 December

After they had heard the king, they went on their way,

and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them

until it stopped over the place where the child was.

When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.

Matthew 2:9-10 (NIV)


We also wish you a Christmas season where joy knows no bounds.

All the best and God’s blessings for the coming year.

Christmas card competition

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

From the many beautiful works of art, the jury chose Félina’s picture. Congratulations!
The picture now adorns the Christmas cards and delights so many people!

Advent celebration

Thursday, 8 December 2022

In the school building there was a bakery where you could bake stars, in the 1st/2nd class you could put carnations in oranges, fold stars, listen to stories, draw and read books in the assembly hall and the 3rd/4th class organised an escape room.

In the schoolyard they served a dinner and “Wiehnachtsguzzi” for everyone. With a warm “Punsch” in their hands, they stood around the fire and chatted with other parents or walked along the lantern path around the school building.

These offers and activities were framed by Christmas carols.

It was a wonderful event! Many thanks to all who helped!

We wish you a blessed Advent season!

Fine arts

Monday, 5 December 2022

Try out different techniques, compare colour combinations and perceive, observe and reflect on images.
This sounds so “technical”… but artistic design is very personal and creative. This is exactly what the pupils should have time for in this subject. In addition to the “head-heavy” subjects, the artistic subjects are very important to us.

Autumn topic in the kindergarten

Monday, 21 November 2022

Actually, I would love to be in kindergarten right now… because they are dealing with a very exciting and diverse topic there. The apple is being examined, different apple varieties are being tried out, apple seeds are being planted, apple rings are being cut, apple pictures are being stamped or painted with a rolling “Kugeli”… everyday kindergarten life is sooo varied! Sometimes the children bring something home, then you also experience the theme a little bit.


Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November 2022

The educational symposium is always a mixture of further education and a happy reunion with colleagues from all over Switzerland.

On Friday afternoon, there was an “exchange of punches” with the VBG team. Culinary delights were provided in the form of burgers and in the evening with an oriental buffet.

Saturday was “bring and share”. The schools presented teaching ideas, innovative projects, class readings or experiments in NT lessons. We were allowed to present the UnicaFlex model. During the breaks, you could meet new people, exchange ideas and network.

It was a great meeting and we thank the ICB and the SalZh for the organisation!

🎡 Autumn Fair – GYM 🎠

Thursday, 10 November 2022

We brought the autumn fair to Liestal… so at least a little bit 😁

In the 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th grade PE classes, there were rides such as the free-fall tower, Tagada or the giant slide. During these activities, barrel organ music was playing, in keeping with the autumn fair.

Of course, sweets were not to be missed: at the end, there was homemade Schoggimagenbrot for each child 🤤

Now the autumn fair is over again and we are looking forward to next year 🤩

The secondary school visits the job fair in Basel

Tuesday, 20 October 2022

On the annual schedule was the job fair in Basel. Just going there and back would be too boring. That’s why the class hiked along the Rhine, visited the Schoggihüüsli in Pratteln, experienced the Rhine harbour “in action” as a car was unloaded and above all had a lot of time as a class.

At the career fair, the pupils looked at the professions that interested them. Then they went back to Liestal.

3rd/4th grade field trip to World of Dinosaur

Tuesday, 20 October 2022

In NMG, the class is currently dealing with the topic of dinosaurs. So it was only natural that they went on the monthly hike to Langenbruck to visit the prehistoric giants that weigh several tonnes.

To experience the 30-metre-long Diplodocus, the 2-tonne Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Torosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Dimetrodon, Iguanodon, Parasaurolophus, Maiasaurusin “real size” was very exciting!


Thursday, 6 October 2022

The children and teachers showed full commitment! Both in the run-up to the sponsor search and on the day itself. In good conditions, they did laps for a good cause.

Now the sponsors’ contributions are being collected and we are curious about the final sum.

Many thanks to Mr Gutzwiller for the great photos!

“TUUSIG CHLIINI STACHELI” = A thousand little spikes

Thursday, 29 September 2022

A hedgehog has 1000 spines. They like to eat insects, earthworms, earwigs, snails, centipedes or spiders.

“And Mummy, if you find a hedgehog and it’s not quite fit, you have to report it to the hedgehog centre!”

The children got to know the hedgehog in many different ways, with handicrafts, many songs and verses.
Now the hedgehog can come home with them before the holidays. They built a nest especially for him. It even has a pillow inside!


Saturday, 24 September 2022

Equipped with brooms and cleaning things, many parents came to the school on this rainy Saturday. Things were repaired, windows cleaned and the whole school building shone again.
Mrs Wyss thought that this event should be renamed. There is cleaning, yes… but there is also a lot of laughing, fine dining, meeting new parents and meeting familiar parents. That is why it is more of a celebration than a “general cleaning”.
A mother has decorated the snack table with flowers to match!

Many thanks to the many hard-working helpers!

Opening of the playground

Monday, 19 September 2022

Finally the time had come! The playground was officially opened!

The children were able to follow the entire set-up, marvelled and their anticipation grew.

After the fall protection was laid, patience was needed until it had dried.

On the first day of the project days, the time had come. Parents brought fine contributions for the buffet, there was a speech of thanks, a big pair of scissors was made and the ribbons were ceremoniously cut!

At this point we would like to express our great gratitude once again. We are simply overwhelmed by the many donations, people who have pitched in and supported the school and the project! THANK YOU!!!


Monday, 19 – Wednesday 21 September 2022

Painting cocoa pictures, building a barefoot path, working with soapstone, examining carnivorous plants, experimenting with fire, crafting mosaic or lanterns, making herbal oil, creation in Chinese, drawing cards from sand or watercolours, playing theatre, baking buns, constructing and trying out a waterwheel…. and much more!


Monday, 19 September 2022

The greem light for this project was given 2 years ago. The pupils ran diligently at the sponsored run to raise money for it.

Then a project team was formed and planning began. Offers were obtained, discussions held, calculations made and information collected.

The committee then decided on the play sculpture by moveart. Then money was collected again for the remaining amount. A crowdfunding campaign was launched and the target amount was even exceeded!

In September ’22, the construction work began. The pupils watched eagerly as the playground was transformed.

After only 2 weeks, the new place was ready and could be officially opened on 19 September.


Monday, 15 August 2022

Now the school year has started again! We welcomed pupils from the primary school and playgroup with the story of the “crispy grain and silver stone – mice”. Of course, every single child was also greeted and their name was hung on the “thank you garland”.

Officially we start our “25 – years – UNICA- School – Anniversary – Year” with this year`s motto “MERCI!”


UNICA Schule
Sigmundstrasse 1
4410 Liestal
Secretary: +41 (0)61 922 21 20

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